Monday, August 24, 2009

Heart emotions...Oh Crap

There is a very thin line between truth and Lie, between Love and Lust and between Good and bad but thin differences make larger impacts on lives. All we need to do is just keep your eyes open and always make choice by your heart. Our heart is always pure listen to it and you will never do any mistake in your life. When we try to mess ourselves between heart and mind we actually trouble ourselves because after all if some thing is going to be good then its our heart that will feel the happiness, If it will be bad then the pain you feel will be directly from heart then why is like when we act we listen only to mind keeping aside all our emotional attachments, all our feelings Poor heart han! sitting idle and bearing all heavy emotions and when it is time for action "I have my mind, I am not an emotional fool". Let me here discriminate Boys and Girls, No No Its not me actually that is saying so..This is another reality girls and boys like two south pole nad north pole of a magnet they can't be together but can't stay away,anyways thats very big topic I would take care about this in future, Firstly me coming back to point here, i can say one thing If boys think that they are not emotional and girls are more emotional then its a very big misunderstang dude Because Girls such a rascals they live half the life in pretending the things which are actually not in their nature at all because they think if they will be emotional you know..She will be a better girl..."A Lady"....One of my aunts used to tell me that "You are not emotional how come that you are not a sensitive girl.... and BLA BLA..." I was hurt very deeply I started thinking if actually I dont feel anything.....i f actually my aunt is correct.................................TO BE CONTINUED

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